Sunday, December 10, 2017

Joyful Displays of Justice

Joyful Displays of Justice

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is the idea of justice. What does justice look like to different people? How do we incorporate the idea of justice and charity? Is there a difference?

I like to see the good in all people. I think the world is full of beautiful people with even more beautiful hearts. While I know there are exceptions to this, I cling to this hope of goodness in all people.

When giving back to people in my community I, like most people, am filled with compassion for those that I am serving. However, I have realized something lately that is an important thing to consider when doing work like this. It is important to consider that instead of giving in the name of charity, give in the name of justice.

Justice looks different for most people, but the main foundation of this ideal is acting justly and treating others in a humane and right way. So, instead of having compassion and giving in the name of charity, it is better to give in the name of justice. To treat those you are serving as humans, as equals, and as friends.

Let these thoughts and words stick with you over this holiday season, and continuously remind yourself to treat others justly and to see the good in those around you. The poem I have included is entitled, “Opportunity”.

the beauty in a moment can be taken just as fast
if you do not seize your opportunity, the option will not last
seeing and knowing could never do me justice
the mysterious vision within me would never lose its focus
so, know exactly what you want, or this will surely pass you by
if you do not want, what you can barely have, your loss won’t make me cry.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Beautiful Beginnings

Beautiful Beginnings

While reflecting on my life currently, my mind couldn’t stop focusing on all of the endings ahead of us. The year is coming to a close, the first semester is nearly over, and classes are ending. At this time, I often think about how I made use of my time in each of these areas and if I did the most I could to make each of these chapters in my life worthwhile.

In my personal life, I have to say, that over these past few months I have made some closer friends than I did in all four years of high school. Even through harder times, when I am anxious or not feeling myself, I know that if I ever need anything I can always count on these people in my life to support and love me. These people make it even harder to see this small chapter of my life end, because it means not seeing them everyday and that time is going by faster than I had expected.

This doesn’t have to be a scary thought though. When I thought about it more, I realized that, even though so many things are ending, and time is moving fast, with every ending there is a new beginning. With every closed door, there is another that opens. With this mindset, I am able to look forward to so many more fun, crazy, and amazing adventures I will have with these people in my life.

Finding the positives in these endings, is not only encouraging, but it is essential for moving forward through life. Things will change and end, but with a hopeful vision for the future, you are able to go through these times with a clear, wishful, and positive mindset.

I hope that during these seasons in your life, when you are overwhelmed with all of the changes happening or are saddened by all of the endings, that you will focus on all that you have ahead of you. Be brave and be bold. Take the next chapter in your life, and make it worth flipping the page.

The poem I have included is entitled, “Beautifully Foolish Expectation”.

Allow yourself to be
foolishly consumed
with a captivating sense of wonder,
a glimpse of hope
met with a flicker of promise,
to be recompensed
for the wrongs absorbed,
to be filled
with a newfound bliss.
Dream of this
when you close your eyes
know the road ahead
is adorned with clear skies.