Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Pursuit of Patience

Pursuit of Patience

Wow, somehow it has been awhile since I last posted on this blog. Originally this was started just for a class, but I genuinely miss having this outlet to share my poetry and thoughts. I hope this will touch someone, somewhere, and at some time; even if it is just me reading my post again later on in life.

Lately there has been some good changes occurring in my life. I am definitely not one to believe in luck or coincidence, but it definitely seems like the stars have been aligning pretty well. I have been developing deeper relationships with my friends, taking more time for my own health and well-being, and I have been able to see a lot of my hard-work pay off in school and relationships.

Something that really has come out of nowhere is a growth in relationship with one of my best guy friends. The connection we share in unmatched and I see how things are changing right before my eyes in a new direction. Regardless of where this will lead or what else will change I know that throughout this I will learn something. I would like to stress that in this post.

No matter what happens in life it is important to try your hardest to view things from a positive outlook. No matter how bad things may seem or how far something can go wrong, there is always something positive you can find in the situation. While some people view this as “finding the silver lining”, I like to take a different approach. The belief I have is that all things are wrapped completely in gold because the beauty in all experiences, trials, problems, celebrations, etc. in unmatched. There is always something that can be learned and gained from every single thing we experience in life and all of these things put together make us into the people we are meant to become.

I’d like to leave you with a poem I wrote about being patient in your pursuits of love, joy, and peace, but seeing that you can find happiness even in the waiting.

The beauty of an effervescent glare
it halts me and I stop to stare
I reach and reach with all my might
to capture even just the sight
but if I could id take the chance
to join him in love’s sweet dance
my feet, my head, and my heart would twirl
if I got the chance to be his girl
yet I wait in patience for what’s in store
because good things are worth waiting for. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Joyful Displays of Justice

Joyful Displays of Justice

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is the idea of justice. What does justice look like to different people? How do we incorporate the idea of justice and charity? Is there a difference?

I like to see the good in all people. I think the world is full of beautiful people with even more beautiful hearts. While I know there are exceptions to this, I cling to this hope of goodness in all people.

When giving back to people in my community I, like most people, am filled with compassion for those that I am serving. However, I have realized something lately that is an important thing to consider when doing work like this. It is important to consider that instead of giving in the name of charity, give in the name of justice.

Justice looks different for most people, but the main foundation of this ideal is acting justly and treating others in a humane and right way. So, instead of having compassion and giving in the name of charity, it is better to give in the name of justice. To treat those you are serving as humans, as equals, and as friends.

Let these thoughts and words stick with you over this holiday season, and continuously remind yourself to treat others justly and to see the good in those around you. The poem I have included is entitled, “Opportunity”.

the beauty in a moment can be taken just as fast
if you do not seize your opportunity, the option will not last
seeing and knowing could never do me justice
the mysterious vision within me would never lose its focus
so, know exactly what you want, or this will surely pass you by
if you do not want, what you can barely have, your loss won’t make me cry.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Beautiful Beginnings

Beautiful Beginnings

While reflecting on my life currently, my mind couldn’t stop focusing on all of the endings ahead of us. The year is coming to a close, the first semester is nearly over, and classes are ending. At this time, I often think about how I made use of my time in each of these areas and if I did the most I could to make each of these chapters in my life worthwhile.

In my personal life, I have to say, that over these past few months I have made some closer friends than I did in all four years of high school. Even through harder times, when I am anxious or not feeling myself, I know that if I ever need anything I can always count on these people in my life to support and love me. These people make it even harder to see this small chapter of my life end, because it means not seeing them everyday and that time is going by faster than I had expected.

This doesn’t have to be a scary thought though. When I thought about it more, I realized that, even though so many things are ending, and time is moving fast, with every ending there is a new beginning. With every closed door, there is another that opens. With this mindset, I am able to look forward to so many more fun, crazy, and amazing adventures I will have with these people in my life.

Finding the positives in these endings, is not only encouraging, but it is essential for moving forward through life. Things will change and end, but with a hopeful vision for the future, you are able to go through these times with a clear, wishful, and positive mindset.

I hope that during these seasons in your life, when you are overwhelmed with all of the changes happening or are saddened by all of the endings, that you will focus on all that you have ahead of you. Be brave and be bold. Take the next chapter in your life, and make it worth flipping the page.

The poem I have included is entitled, “Beautifully Foolish Expectation”.

Allow yourself to be
foolishly consumed
with a captivating sense of wonder,
a glimpse of hope
met with a flicker of promise,
to be recompensed
for the wrongs absorbed,
to be filled
with a newfound bliss.
Dream of this
when you close your eyes
know the road ahead
is adorned with clear skies.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thoughtful Thanksgiving

Thoughtful Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving bloggers! I hope each and every one of your thanksgivings were wonderful, and that these breaks gave you time to reflect and spend quality time with friends and family. I wanted to start this week’s blog post by reintroducing the idea of thanksgiving and understanding its value and importance.

Thanksgiving can be defined as a holiday for people to be thankful for what they have. Other definitions state that thanksgiving is a prayer that expresses thanks to God. I would define thanksgiving as a time of focus and reflection on what means the most to a person and what they are thankful for and appreciate, but I think the real meaning of thanksgiving goes even deeper than that. Thanksgiving inspires people.

Thanksgiving inspires people to take action. This is where we find thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness can be defined as consideration for someone else’s needs, it is going out of one’s own convenience to attend to the wants and needs of another. Thoughtfulness is when you take that time of reflection for who and what you are thankful for, and you put those thoughts into action to show those people how much you mean to them.

I am thankful for so many things in my life. I have been blessed with a wonderful family, an amazing support system from previous teachers and member of my church, many wonderful friends from home, and many friends from college who, in such a short amount of time, have become some of the most important people in my life.

With so many people in my life to be thankful for, I cannot stand by without caring for them and showing them just how much I appreciate them. I can do this by demonstrating thoughtfulness in my daily routine in extravagant ways and in the little things. Regardless of how you go about being thoughtful towards those you are thankful for, the appreciation and value you hold for them will be evident.

Before I introduce this week’s poem I’d like to shoutout a friend of mine, Devin Huisenga. She also has a blog and her most recent post explains some of her close friendships and the experiences and relationships she has with the people closest with her. These are the type of relationships that require investment, appreciation, thankfulness, and thoughtfulness.

This weeks poem is entitled “Arbitrary”.

love is fickle
believe these words
one loves another
till they lose their worth
love is blind
but this vision is clear
unreciprocated love
is a lovers biggest fear
love is careful
it is ever questioning
unless a lover wanders
affection will keep from lessening

love is fickle
I could never deny
love is blind
but not from my eyes
love is careful
when taught to restrain
love is something I can never claim

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Focus and Fearlessness

Focus and Fearlessness 

This has been a pretty crazy week full of lots of school work and good times with the people closest to me. As the week has ended and we are starting a new one, it is interesting to think about what the next seven days will include. What twist and turns might happen? What conversations will we have? And who will we spend our time with?

I’d like to focus this week’s post on the immediate future and the thoughts that stem from that. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with our day to day tasks or to fall into a normal routine. So, the question is how do we deal with what life consistently throws at us and demands from us and how do we make every day different from the last.

When dealing with the ups and downs and twists and turns in our lives it is important to understand the place that we are at in our life and prepare for what is to come. Life can get pretty crazy with drama, schoolwork, stress, sports, relationships, etc., but by focusing on the positives we can tackle every one of these. I firmly believe that nothing happens in your life that you can’t handle. By having this mindset, no matter what happens or what is thrown at me in my day, I know I will be okay and can move forward knowing that I am able to handle even the most unexpected problems.

The other issue is falling into a boring diagnosed routine and how we can add new experiences to our daily lives. This is a fairly easy problem to fix. The key is getting out of your comfort zone, which can be difficult for many people, but it can create many different situations that lead to newfound friendships, experiences, and memories. By branching out, initiating conversations, asking new friends to hang out, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone you can avoid falling into a routine and can anticipate new experiences and memories moving forward.

This week’s poem I have included is entitled “Introspect”.  

Worry your soul
with the belief of beginnings
Trouble your heart
with the anticipation of love
Battle your foes
with the concept of adoration
Shelter your mind
with the hope for tomorrow.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Loving, Living, Loneliness

Loving, Living, Loneliness

The atmosphere is changing, the leaves are falling, the temperature is dropping and everyone is spending more time inside. As it gets colder and the seasons change I find myself spending more time in my room relaxing under Christmas lights and drinking a warm beverage. This is the time of year that I find most peaceful, but it can also be the start of a lonely season in someone’s life.

I am going to link a playlist here that you can listen to while reading this post or when you are enjoying some alone time, I have found it very relaxing and cozy for me while spending time by myself and I hope you will enjoy it.

I want to focus some attention in this week’s blog post on getting to know the people who mean the most to you and getting to know yourself. In the time where we transition from fall into the chillier months I find people tend to get lonely or seek comfort in another person.

Last week we discussed the importance of close friendships during every season instead of seeking a relationship as your top priority. This week I want to discuss the importance of being comfortable and at peace with just being by yourself.

The beauty in alone time is getting to think and be free to express yourself. Who do you want to be? What do you want to become? What is most important to you? How do you want people to see you as? These are some of the questions I think we all find ourselves asking when we are alone with our thoughts. It is comforting, knowing that our lives are meant for much more than our own happiness, that they are meant to support and impact the lives of others.

Loneliness doesn’t have to define a season of your life. We often look at being lonely as not having a significant other, having troubles with your best friend, or being far from home. These instances are wrong in the fact that they are making these relationships about ourselves, when in reality our relationships are meant to be about someone else and other people. I think loneliness is something we fall into when we lose focus on what relationships are all about, and when we view being with someone as what that person does for us.

The key to not being lonely is to recognize the need for other people so that you can support and be there for them, not focusing on what someone else can do for you. People will always fall short because no one is perfect. Because of this our goal in relationships and avoiding loneliness should not be based on what we can gain and receive from a relationship with a friend, significant other, etc., but on what we can give and invest into another person.

This week’s poem is entitled “Unmasked”.

Place your heart in my hand,
it will not fall or dent.
Breathe life in each of your breaths,
they will not be shaky.
Rest and allow comfort,
to invade your uncertainty.
Trust the things that escape my lips,
believe their candor and love.
See the person shared with you,
a fruitful lie could never grow tall.
Promise a life you will live in full,
those words cannot be forgotten.
Anonymity couldn’t save my soul,
find peace in who I give to you.  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Reason for a Season

The Reason for a Season

Lately I have been thinking about many of the things people my age struggle with on a regular basis. Something we all encounter is love. Love is a beautiful thing. It stirs up many emotions that can confuse, liberate, or excite us.

I want to express that when going through life a relationship is not necessary for happiness. Love is amazing, but a relationship is not the most important thing for your life. I often find myself looking at the media and seeing the publicized concept that a relationship is a need and not a want.

This is not true, and your happiness has to come from yourself.
Being there for someone and creating long lasting relationships with friends is extremely important in your college years. Often, the people you are close with in college become lifelong friends. These friends will see you through the years where you experience the most growth and truly find who you are and want to be.

My advice in this post is to nurture and invest in friendships and relationships that are most important to you and not worry about finding “the perfect someone”, because you’ll eventually find that person, but the friends in your life are the people who will see you through that relationship.

The poem I have chosen for this week entitled “Seasoned Friendship”, is about how relationships, struggles, joy, and other times in life are temporary and often only last for a season, but good, nurtured, and cherished friendships can last for years and years.

Walk with me
through these paths ahead
the leaves change color
the foliage is dead
new life is born
it blooms and grows
the sun comes out
your happiness shows
there is joy and love
found in each of these times
but I hope you and I
will have the other till we die.